Friday, January 4, 2013

Once you're organized...then what?

The past few months have been filled with a number of road trips with the family.  Long 6-12 hour road trips, and seeing as my family has a propensity for sleeping in the car, I do the lion-share of the driving.  Not a complaint, as I enjoy driving, and it has provided an ample amount of time to think.

Now, I have had ample time to think over the fast few years, but it is the time in the car that allows for some  focused, uninterrupted, quality thinking time. 

As the new year approached, my thoughts were focused on what I wanted to do differently this year.  Sure, there were somethings that I wanted to build on from last year, but overall, I really wanted to mix thing up, as the past few years have been a bit too saddled with 'same effort - same result' syndrome.

As I wrote about on the 1st, a new year means resolutions, and I, during these long drives, had come up with several of my own.  Writing out the list here is not really the point - however, writing is.

I had made these grand plans to write every day, in addition to about 10 other 'everyday' events I want to accomplish. In preparations for this grand plan, I thought that I would make sure that I had cleaned and organized my desk and had finished off most of my other year starting organizational tasks.  Done and done.

So...the blank page stares again.  All the cool stories, concepts, riffs and thoughts I had during the drive time think-o-thons - crickets.

I think I'll go watch Portlandia - Season 2.  There's always tomorrow.

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