Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Platitudes can kill...or at least, maim

To some extent, nearly everyone I know starts a New Year with some sort of goal or resolution.  Weight loss, better financial stability, learn to play an instrument, speak a new language or simply just change.  The calendar change is the starting bell for...better.

To amp ourselves up, we tend to spout words of wisdom that we have heard over the years (put one foot in front of the other, you only fail if you don't try, don't eat anything bigger than your head) or 'new found gems' most of which come to us thru the wonderful world wide inter tubes.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, - they all bring us words of strength, courage, passion and hope.  The key element of that last sentence is the the multi-edged sword, the one tht can clear a path, or merely cut us down...words.

I can SAY I'm going to run every day, you can SAY you will cut back on your impulse purchases, we can SAY we are all going to be nicer to our fellow humans.  Until we DO these things, they are just words, regardless of how many 'LIKES" my inspirational picture gets on FaceBook, how many re-tweets your pithy bon mots gets, or how often you post what you are GOING to do.

By all means, writing down goals for yourself is a key step in the process. Thought, word, deed. Make sure you don't get caught circling the words at the expense of the actual goal. 

The irony of this post is not lost on me...

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