Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Its a Fine Line Between Treasure and Trash

As has become our family's New Year's tradition, we have spent the better part of the last 3 days power cleaning and organizing.  The goal is to try and start the coming year with a clean house, and decrease the clutter that has accumulated over the past 365 days. 

Ah, if it was only the preceding year's clutter to contend with.

Each year, we thin a bit more of the "we have to keep this!" flotsam and jetsam that seems to ooze from every cupboard, closet and shelf.  Sure, we add a bit every year as well, but for the first time in a few years, we seem to be a bit ahead of the wave.  That's not to say we are now living spartan lives in a home of cool white walls and no evidence of a family of 4 (I've been in those houses - creepy).  There is still plenty of 'us' everywhere you look.

At the end of the day, the house seems...lighter.  By removing a layer of 'stuff' we all feel a bit better.  The action of going thru boxes and bags that have been filled over the years, and getting rid of those things that no longer feel necessary or needed is a tangible physical representation of the cleaning we all need to do.

Take a bit of time to clean out you garage - those treasures that you have been holding onto may better serve someone else, and by going thur those boxes and bags, you may find something that truly is a treasure.

...or maybe just trash.

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