Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Earned vs. Owed

Over the past few months the family and I have participated in a number of 5K and 10K runs.  At the end of these runs, there is always some sort of snack/food/water area for the runners to grab a bite.  Sometimes it is a pancake breakfast, sometime fresh fruit,  or energy bars, or even boysenberry pie.  In every race, the folks handing out the food are cheerful and congratulatory to the runners, and the runners accepting the food are grateful and make sure that those around are thanked and that their fellow runners are able to get snacks as well.. I've yet to see pushing, shoving or complaining.  People are patient, happy and grateful.  Maybe it is the endorphins from the run, or we're all too tired to complain about any wait or long lines.  Either way, it is one of the very great things I have encountered in my very short running journey.

On the other side of the coin...

When a run is a bit of distance from our house, we will drive to the area the day/night before and get a hotel room.  Given the choice, we try to get a room that includes a 'complementary continental breakfast', for a small bite before or after the race.  Usually these breakfast consist of toast, cold cereal, maybe some fruit, coffee juice, etc... We look at this as a nice 'extra' to our room - not a replacement for a meal, but more of a small snack.  Not everyone sees it that way. 

After our race this past weekend, we went back to the hotel to shower, and thought we'd stop in to grab a little something.  As we were in the line at the 'complementary' breakfast, I saw a family of 6 that had built a small smorgasbord on their table that consisted of no fewer than 2 dozen waffles, 1/2 a dozen bowls of cereal, and assorted cups of coffee, juice, and milk too numerous to count.  While this food sat, untouched by the father and kids, the mom of the group was in line and was systematically going thru the tray of donuts, pulling out all of the fancy glazed/sprinkle covered chocolate donuts.  While she was blocking the the line from moving forward, a second tray of donuts was brought our, at which point she moved BACK in the line to continue gathering up the fancy chocolate morsels --ALL of them.  By the time she finished, she had a tower of about a dozen donuts, and  the tray had been decimated.

The truly sad part was that when I went back thru the lobby area 20 minutes later to check out, the family had left the table in shambles, and most of the food had only been partially eaten.

In both experiences, I was struck by the similarities, and saddened by the difference. 

Money was paid to participate in the run and stay at the hotel:
At the run, the fee was reflected in race tee shirts, finishers medals, course prep, timers, security, road closer costs, and yes, even post race snacks.
At the hotel, the money was for room rental, power, cleaning services, taxes, and yes,  'complementary' breakfast.

The line between  'what we are owed' in life versus 'what we have earned' is constantly in danger of being erased. 

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