Monday, March 5, 2012

Blank Page Syndrome

The blinking cursor in the upper left of the screen.  There are as few things in life as daunting as the start of a thought or an idea...if you are TRYING to have an idea.   Unlike many other tasks, like sweeping a floor, painting a wall or making a sandwich, creation of an idea is, well , hard.

The kernel of an idea, the center essence of creativity is something that, at least for me, has to just happen.  I can't 'will' an idea out of thin air.  Once the spark is there, I revel in the experience of building and creating, of nurturing and expanding the concept.  One of my favorite quotes is from a  book by Neal Stepheson called Snow Crash:

“To condense fact from the vapor of nuance.”

I strive everyday to search for the great, and sometimes not sop great ideas.  The blank page is my nemesis...working on making it my trusted friend. 

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