Wednesday, March 7, 2012


In my dreams, I'm always 24 years old.

Regardless off the type of dream, the events in the dream, the people in the dream, I'm always 24.
I don't know why.

In that fog of time between dreaming and waking, when the world has yet to invade my brain, before my body is able to groan at me for the previous days run, let alone the 40 plus years of less that perfect living, I am 24.

When I was  24, life was o.k. To the best of my recollection, nothing major happened to me when I was 24.  No relationship (starting/ending/existing) to speak of. I hadn't started in the games industry yet - I was working a pretty boring 9-5 job in 'Franchise Development'.  I was not in great physical shape, had no real hobbies, no tangible assets, save for a car.  I had met Ann, but we were not even close to dating (that is a whole 'nother post!)

The best, as they say, was still ahead for me.

Just to clarify...I LOVE my life today.  I'm healthier than I have ever been, I have the greatest (yes THE GREATEST) wife and kids in the world and as soon as I navigate a small bit of career turbulence, I will have the schmaltzy Lifetime, made for TV movie ending that permeates the airwaves.

So why 24?  Was it because that is the age when I stopped growing emotionally? Spiritual? Physically? Intellectually? I don't think so, because most of the people who know me say that I stopped growing emotionally at around 13 (as most of us guys do). As for the other areas, I don't think we ever stop evolving and growing,

I think it is my inner blueprint, my soft reset point.  I think we all need a reference point for who we are in life, and as the amount of influences on us increases exponentially every day,  having something a simple as an arbitrary age to use as a starting point is not such a terrible thing.

So, how old are you?

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