Thursday, May 11, 2017

...and then you realize you'r not qualified for your own life...

At what point in life do you realize that if you were to audition for the staring role in your own biography, there are people that would not even let you in the casting director's office?


Lately, I find myself feeling very Groundhog Day. Not in a desperate 'kill me I can't do this anymore' sort of way, nor a 'well, lets make the best of things and learn how to play piano' sort of way either.

Its just...sameness.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Stumblin' into 'Smuges'

Wow...I had not looked at this blog in nearly 4 years.  Need to see if all the links still work.

If so, I may jump back into writing a bit.

Stay tuned :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Next Chapter - Full Circle?

As to not bury the lead...I started a great new job last week.  The full circle comment is based on the pathway to the job. 

Back in 1992, I was working for Philips on the CD-i platform.  Don't worry if you have never heard of it - not many have.  In addition to the 2 Davids I worked with directly in my studio, there was a third David who was the president of the main game studios of Philips.    About 3 weeks ago,this David reached out with an opportunity.  The weird thing is that is was not due to our Philips connection, but rather to a shared friend, who had hired me at THQ corporate back in 2007!

This should serve as a reminder to us all, that the time and space may seem linear, but it always seems to loop around. You can never tell how the relationships and decisions of today will impact the future.

In other words - be nice!  The ass you save( or have to shoot) may be your own!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Once you're organized...then what?

The past few months have been filled with a number of road trips with the family.  Long 6-12 hour road trips, and seeing as my family has a propensity for sleeping in the car, I do the lion-share of the driving.  Not a complaint, as I enjoy driving, and it has provided an ample amount of time to think.

Now, I have had ample time to think over the fast few years, but it is the time in the car that allows for some  focused, uninterrupted, quality thinking time. 

As the new year approached, my thoughts were focused on what I wanted to do differently this year.  Sure, there were somethings that I wanted to build on from last year, but overall, I really wanted to mix thing up, as the past few years have been a bit too saddled with 'same effort - same result' syndrome.

As I wrote about on the 1st, a new year means resolutions, and I, during these long drives, had come up with several of my own.  Writing out the list here is not really the point - however, writing is.

I had made these grand plans to write every day, in addition to about 10 other 'everyday' events I want to accomplish. In preparations for this grand plan, I thought that I would make sure that I had cleaned and organized my desk and had finished off most of my other year starting organizational tasks.  Done and done.

So...the blank page stares again.  All the cool stories, concepts, riffs and thoughts I had during the drive time think-o-thons - crickets.

I think I'll go watch Portlandia - Season 2.  There's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Its a Fine Line Between Treasure and Trash

As has become our family's New Year's tradition, we have spent the better part of the last 3 days power cleaning and organizing.  The goal is to try and start the coming year with a clean house, and decrease the clutter that has accumulated over the past 365 days. 

Ah, if it was only the preceding year's clutter to contend with.

Each year, we thin a bit more of the "we have to keep this!" flotsam and jetsam that seems to ooze from every cupboard, closet and shelf.  Sure, we add a bit every year as well, but for the first time in a few years, we seem to be a bit ahead of the wave.  That's not to say we are now living spartan lives in a home of cool white walls and no evidence of a family of 4 (I've been in those houses - creepy).  There is still plenty of 'us' everywhere you look.

At the end of the day, the house seems...lighter.  By removing a layer of 'stuff' we all feel a bit better.  The action of going thru boxes and bags that have been filled over the years, and getting rid of those things that no longer feel necessary or needed is a tangible physical representation of the cleaning we all need to do.

Take a bit of time to clean out you garage - those treasures that you have been holding onto may better serve someone else, and by going thur those boxes and bags, you may find something that truly is a treasure.

...or maybe just trash.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Platitudes can kill...or at least, maim

To some extent, nearly everyone I know starts a New Year with some sort of goal or resolution.  Weight loss, better financial stability, learn to play an instrument, speak a new language or simply just change.  The calendar change is the starting bell for...better.

To amp ourselves up, we tend to spout words of wisdom that we have heard over the years (put one foot in front of the other, you only fail if you don't try, don't eat anything bigger than your head) or 'new found gems' most of which come to us thru the wonderful world wide inter tubes.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, - they all bring us words of strength, courage, passion and hope.  The key element of that last sentence is the the multi-edged sword, the one tht can clear a path, or merely cut us down...words.

I can SAY I'm going to run every day, you can SAY you will cut back on your impulse purchases, we can SAY we are all going to be nicer to our fellow humans.  Until we DO these things, they are just words, regardless of how many 'LIKES" my inspirational picture gets on FaceBook, how many re-tweets your pithy bon mots gets, or how often you post what you are GOING to do.

By all means, writing down goals for yourself is a key step in the process. Thought, word, deed. Make sure you don't get caught circling the words at the expense of the actual goal. 

The irony of this post is not lost on me...