Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"People writing songs that voices never share.."

If you asked me to define my taste in pop culture, be it TV, movies, music or books, I'd be hard pressed to give you a single quantifiable answer. One look at the contents of my iTunes (Foo Fighters, Flock of Seagulls, Bell Fleck...Enya???) or my collection of DVDs/BluRays (The Bourne Trilogy, The Breakfast Club...Veggie Tales???) and you would think that Sybil had a cousin living in Palmdale.

I have always had an affinity for the lyrics of Simon and Garfunkel.  The music is nice enough, but the simple words, woven so effortlessly, have always been able to hit a part of my psyche that few other songs have.

As it has been a while since I 'tripped the keyboard mediocrity', I decided to sit down and just...write.


Then 'The Sound of Silence' came into my head.  The line  "People writing songs that voices never share.." really got me thinking.  This world of not only instant gratification (movies on demand, ATM access to money, Amazon's Same Day Delivery), but one of instant notification and thought promotion.  Have a thought - Tweet it...take a picture - Instagram - eat a sandwich - FourSquare.  We no longer need to wait and process our ideas, thoughts or opinions, we can just broadcast them out to anyone and everyone to digest.

So if everybody is busy pontificating, waxing philosophical, or just ranting...who is left to listen?

One of my favorite sayings is "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt."  There are numerous sources for this quote - Abraham Lincoln, George Eliot, Groucho Marx, Albert Einstein, heck some say it comes from Proverbs 17:28.  No matter.  I've just always identified with the message.  Often, I have been very adept at 'removing doubt'.  This current diatribe may be doing just that...

I'm all for speaking your mind, saying your peace (or piece - I'm not sure which is right), and it is wonderful that so many of us have the ability and the means to do so.  It just seems to me, that if everybody is talking, then it is really hard to listen.  

'Everybody's talking and no one says a word..' 

I've been trying to listen lately.  Perhaps if we all listened a bit more, we might have some really great things to say.

Then again...'I could be wrong, I could be right.'

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