Monday, April 23, 2012

Mia Culpa (+ 1)

It has been said that you should never say something on the internet that you wouldn't want on the front page of you local newspaper.  Don't panic - I haven't. 

Just a bit of mental/karmic/editorial house keeping:
  • Two Latin headlines in a row.  As I am not the Pope, I should expand my vocabulary and not depend on a rich, but somewhat dead language. 
  • My last post was a bit on the pity party, woe is me, whiny side of the street.  I stand by my words and thoughts - this is just not the channel that I have created to express them, and more importantly, not the show you put on your online DVR.  Nothing worse than sitting down to watch Mad Men and getting Dance Moms.
Like I said when I started this, "If I stick my foot in it, call me on it."  Well, my foot got a bit muddy, and I called it.

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