Monday, April 9, 2012

365 Lessons (Hopefully) Learned

This past Sunday marked the one-year anniversary of…well, not being a day-to-day member of the working class.  How’s that for a euphemism???  As I adjusted to the copious amount of ‘free time’ that this change has afforded me, I started to compile a few bon mots, pithy sayings, clichés if you will,  that I discovered about the world, and more precisely, about myself.  Some of these you would be hard pressed to find on a bad 80’s tee-shirt or seedy cocktail napkin (where IS the beef..wink wink).  Others really hit me hard between the eyes and are small but important building blocks in the renovation that is me.  Here is a handful – no specific order.

  • Most clichés’ about finding a job are true; especially the one that says it is easier to get a job when you have a job.
  • As kind as people try to be, sometimes you need a true friend to call you out on your shortcomings, so that you can grow, and not continue to make the same mistakes.
  • Regardless of how much you want to blame others for the situation you are in, you have to cop to some responsibility.
  •  The simple act of running is pure. 
  • Stress not only can kill, but it does a fair job of maiming you as well.
  • Gray hair is not a bad thing.
  • Embracing the joy of others is far better than cursing your own sadness.
  • Give – Take. Same number of letters, WAY different value.
  • Loyalty needs to start with you.
  • Kids are brilliant – you just need to pay attention.
  • It hurts to watch others hurt because of you. Vicious cycle.
  • Free time isn’t.
  • Sleep can make you tired.
  • Pay attention to advice…you don’t have to heed it, but make sure you are aware of it.
  • 1 in 30 rule.  If you are the only person in the room that smells something funky…its you.
  • Be brave not silent.
  • Have an idea, not an opinion (stole that from Kevin Smith’s Dogma).
  • “I don’t know” is often your best answer.  It is the most truthful and the least dangerous.
  • You have it better than 99% of the world…smile.
  • Many times people really do want to help you – let them.
  • You’re ½ as funny and twice as annoying as you think you are.
  • Fresh oranges are AWESOME!
  • Just keep swimming (thanks Dory)
  • UB40’s ‘Red Red Wine’ is quite possible the WORST song ever.
  • When in doubt, move.  A change in perspective may be the answer.
  • It’s a fine line between persistent and stalking.
  • Gratitude is underrated.
  • Electronic is no replacement for physical.  At best, it augments – at worst, it makes you less human, and we need all the humanity we can get.
  • Creativity is a muscle.  Stop sitting on your metaphorical couch.  Stretch.
  • Be happy with yourself, or else you will never be happy around others.
  • Make new mistakes every day.  Do your best to avoid repeats.

And finally, this line from Caddyshack:
Judge Smails: Ty, what did you shoot today?
Ty Webb: Oh, Judge, I don't keep score.
Judge Smails: Then how do you measure yourself with other golfers?
Ty Webb: By height.

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