Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's all this?

I am a product of pop culture.  Try as I might to have a pure, unique idea that is not tinged with references to Star Wars, 80's music, Heinlein, Mattel toys or some other flotsam and jetsam that fills my head, I struggle.

This blog is a place where I will try to filter through my own head, my own thought - my digital smudges.

Couple of things right up front:

  • I will do my best to give credit to those who have influenced me as I write on this blog.
  • If I stick my foot in it, call me on it.

Come along for the ride.  I won't promise you deep philosophical diatribes on the meaning of life - just a bit of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! sign me up Davey i'm along for the ride,LET HER RIP!
