Friday, February 24, 2012

The Magic Briefcase

Even as a kid, Friday was the best day of the week. The promise of Saturday morning cartoons, riding my bike around the neighborhood till dusk, and just being a kid made the anticipation a palpable, nearly spiritual sensation. But that wasn't the best part.

The best part of Friday was the sight of my Dad's black Samsonite Briefcase.

Dad worked at Mattel Toys, and Friday was the day he 'might' bring home something from work.  It wasn't a sure thing, but that just heightened the anticipation.

I'd see him walk in and sling the hard case up onto the very 70's wet bar by the front door of the family room, and I could tell from the slight smile on his road weary face that  this was going to be a Magic Briefcase day.

I didn't matter what it was  - sometimes it was a new Hot Wheel, sometimes nothing more than a 1-sheet for a prototype toy - it was the look on my Dad's face when he opened the case  to reveal the treasure. 

It was Christmas and my birthday wrapped in one.  Not that I got a thing, but that my Dad and I shared the joy of wonder and spent time just being two guys geeking out.

The littlest things in our lives can have the longest effect on who we are.  To this day, when I get a new...whatever, I enjoy the experience more when I can share it with someone.

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