Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Brand new App for my 'Smudges

When I started writing this blog, I told you all (all of you that are...interested?) that I may stick my foot in it on occasion, or need to be put back in line, or as my lack of postings over the past few weeks has shown, drop the ball and not write as often as I had planed.  

Well, I'm calling myself out, for the best possible of reasons.

I started a brand new job this past week.  As with every new adventure, I have been buried with the discovery of how things work, where things are, who is who, who does what, and most importantly, how can I be the best possible 'me'.

In just two short days, it has been very apparent that I have found a great new professional home. The energy, the drive and the desire of everyone that I have met and dealt with has been phenomenal.  It has been exhilarating to get back in the game (pun very intended), and I am hard pressed to remember a time in the recent past that I have been as genuinely....excited.(non family events/interactions not included)

I still will write...promise.  Or threat, depending on your point of view.  

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